Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Weekend Water Marble

Ehhh, I'm not terribly pleased with it, hence the lack of photos.

Halloweenish colors, but my execution, I feel, was lacking. I was super tired when I did it... yeah, that's my excuse.

What I was SUPER pleased with though, was this:

Mid meal photos, hahaha. We (me and my fella) went to this insaaaane Polish restaurant on Fresh Pond Road. The Polish name, I won't even try to pronounce, but the English translation is King's Feast. Let me tell you, it lives up to it's name. My fella had a pork chop, and I had pork & plum skewers. Oh, & the appetizers? Bacon wrapped plums. UNF. I'm hungry again just thinking about it... SO GOOD.

The water marble didn't hold up too well, & I was itching to take it off when I got home today. So here, I've got Milani Holographic in HD, with Color Club Covered in Diamonds on top.

& here's a flash picture, just 'cause I thought it looked weird in the flash:

That's all, folks :-)