Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Well, I couldn't decide on a color, so...

... I decided to do a mani for something I've recently decided to be a part of. Polish Days! I'm way late, since I just found out about it last night, but I decided to do it anyway. The theme was Sentimental, & i chose to interpret this as the polish that got me hooked. Enter OPI, Stranger Tides.

This polish, when I first saw it, I thought "Hmm, I bet that'll look nice on my pasty ass skin." I picked up the bottle, read the name... & came back to my senses. What a hideous color, I thought, as I scrunched up my face in disgust in front of the display. I'm glad I caught myself! But then... I decided I had to have it.

So it was that a week later, I was frantically searching through every Duane Reade on B'way from midtown to the UWS. I googled it as I walked, & that was when I discovered the world of polish blogs. I believe it was Liquid Jelly that I first found. The night I found Stranger Tides though, was also the night I found Just Spotted the Lizard... and it's all been downhill from there, ladies.