Friday, October 5, 2012

Franken Friday #3!

Well, I'm sort of cheating on this one... normally, I'd change my polish tomorrow to an entirely frankened manicure. But, my left pinky nail ripped tonight & I had to patch it. (SO proud of myself for not purposefully ripping it completely off, like the old me would have done!) Therefore, instead of being a smart, thinking ahead sort of girl & realizing it was already early friday morning, I went ahead & picked another random polish from my untried stash... not thinking about the fact that I'd want to limit changing my polish for the next few weeks. I present to you Revlon, Cherries in the Snow... bought solely because I find this vintage ad for it utterly hilarious:

My middle finger is the frankened polish, Spectral Tears, made by dumping Fantasy Makers loose glitter into clear polish. So I didn't cheat TOO badly,  but I'm planning on leaving this mani on for as long as possible.  CitS applied pretty well, only needing one coat, but it was pretty thick. So thick, that I might thin it out a little before the next time I use it. On my thumb is Color Club, Covered in Diamonds... while I'm a sucker for flakies, this one is somewhat shite. Not enough flakies, and that smell! Whooooo, my nostrils be singed. It does dry fast though... Zebra stripes were free handed with a brush, rhinestones are from some dollar store kit I got a while ago.

So...  yeah. Fortunately, I *do* have past manis to show you, so stay tuned :-)